Delhi High Court directs Delhi Govt to ensure payment of wages to Government Hospital Workers

Delhi High Court

The Delhi Government has been instructed by Delhi High Court to ensure payment of wages to the workmen of a government hospital.

The bench of Justice Rekha Palli said that the hospital workmen have not been paid any wages since April 2022 due to the e files moving up and down between two departments of the Delhi Government.

The Court said that this portrays a very sad picture of affair in the state.She felt sorry for the plight.

The Justice said that petitions preferred by the workmen depicts a very sorry W.P.(C) state of affairs, wherein they have not been paid any wages since 12.04.2022 as the accounts couldnt be settled between two offices.

The petitioner counsel stated that the petitioners has been compelled to approach the Court instead of Labour Court.

The counsel said that the instead of directing the respondent to ensure that the petitioners are given their due , matter has been, adjourned time and time and again.

The Court directed for issuance of notice to the respondents. “Issue notice. Learned counsel for the respondent in W.P.(C) 887/2023, W.P.(C)895/2023, W.P.(C)897/2023 and W.P.(C) 903/2023 accept notice.

The Court further ordered that if petitioners are not paid their wages, by the next date, the Secretary(Finance), Delhi Government will remain present in Court.

“It is made clear that in case the petitioners are not paid their wages, by the next date, the Secretary(Finance), Government of NCT of Delhi will remain present in Court.”, the Court said while posting the matter to February 8, 2023.

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